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2020年05月07日 12:44  点击:[]


Dear Dean Tang and Secretary Li,

On behalf of colleagues in International Partnerships and those from the School of Sport and Health Sciences, I would like to express our happiness at the news that the CoVID19 situation in China has improved and that life is beginning to return to some kind of normality in Changsha. I would also like to express our sincere gratitude for this gesture of friendship in donating 10,000 masks.

I value our partnership with Hunan Normal University extremely highly. The great success of the BSc (Hons) Sport and Physical Education at HUNNU over the last two years has been as a result of your clear strategic direction for the programme, strong friendship and hard work of the course teams. The close working ties that have developed between our teams have been wonderful to see and have produced a high quality degree programme and a leader in its field in China.

It was terrible to see the effects of CoVID19 in China but equally impressive to witness the co-ordinated response to fight the spread of the virus. As the situation has moved towards the U.K., the improvements welcomed in China have provided a positive outlook for us here. Your donation of 10,000 masks is another incredibly positive moment at this challenging time and they will be used to protect health workers on the frontline and UCLan staff and students.

Once again, I would like to express my thanks for this amazingly thoughtful gesture of friendship. I look forward to meeting you all again in Changsha as soon as the CoVID19 situation improves.

Yours sincerely

Paul Rowe

Director of Partnerships (U.K. and International)













上一条:蒋洪新一行出席我校赛艇队成立暨授旗仪式 下一条:我校举行教育实践基地(领客体育)挂牌仪式
